Animation-Practical Holiday Activity


This is a fun practical activity you can do at home using simple animation techniques.

Firstly, watch this video by Terry Gilliam, he is the guy from Monty Python that made all their animations. It may be old, but still very useful! He uses paper cut out animation from things you might find around the house, such as old cards and magazines. 

You can use anything you want, from paper drawings, cards, magazines, or you could go 3D with lego, create your own characters from clay or plasticine, or even use humans! The principles are the same, frame by frame photo's/images. 

One of the easiest tools to use at home is an app called Stop Motion Studio, it is available on both iPhone (or iPad) and Android devices and it's free.

This is what the app looks like. 

                  Watch the tutorial below for simple instructions on how to use Stop Motion Studio.

You can also view the step by step guide on the link below for greater detail.


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